[This word just unlocked my brain. How lovely, a single word that can be applied to both metalwork and the mind!]
1.a particular state of mind or feelings.
2.habit of mind, esp. with respect to irritability or patience,outbursts of anger, or the like; disposition: an even temper.
3.heat of mind or passion, shown in outbursts of anger,resentment, etc.
4.calm disposition or state of mind: to be out of temper.
5.a substance added to something to modify its properties or qualities.
6.Metallurgy .a.the degree of hardness and strength imparted to a metal, as by quenching, heat treatment, or coldworking.
b. the percentage of carbon in tool steel.
c.the operation of tempering.
7.Archaic . a middle course; compromise.
8.Obsolete . the constitution or character of a substance.
–verb (used with object)
9.to moderate or mitigate: to temper justice with mercy.
10. to soften or tone down.
11.to bring to a proper, suitable, or desirable state by or as by blending or admixture.
12.to moisten, mix, and work up into proper consistency, as clay or mortar
13.Metallurgy . to impart strength or toughness to (steel or castiron) by heating and cooling.