Wednesday, May 26, 2010

58 floors

Made it through finals, crits and relocating. My laptop is back in my possession and aside from some crunchiness on the right side of my key board, seems to be working flawlessly. Wheww...

So I am currently 58 floors above Chicago, staring out at the lake, which by my definition of 'lake' still does not make sense as a lake. It looks more like the ocean. I haven't felt anything like this since the cruise a couple years ago. Looking out at Lake Michigan from this high up and seeing water all the way to the horizon, reminds me of the constant view from the boat. It has been nice being perched up here in an oasis of solitude. It's funny how physical distance always seems to translate mentally. Now I'm slowing reconnecting...

I just got a phone line and internet installed because there's no signal up here. The big HanCock building is hogging it all I've heard. I have my laptop, my files and photos and I'm going to keep this blog going, if nothing else just for documentation purposes. There is so much of my life that I have forgotten's hard to dwell on for very long. And right now there is a helluvalot happening...

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